Monday, May 9, 2011

Food for sight: Tasty choices that will protect your vision

With macular degeneration and cataracts threatening the vision of our aging population, Rosie Schwartz has some suggestions for eating your way to better eyesight at any age

Carrots aren't the only food that will help keep your vision sharp
Now that spring is finally here, have you gone shopping for some brand new sunglasses? Are you vigilant about checking for their protection against UV light? Well, if you're concerned about your peepers, then keep an eye on what you put on your plate. Accumulating research shows that enlightened eating may safeguard your vision and prevent a host of eye ailments including the development of macular degeneration and cataracts. Smart food choices may also slow the progression of some of these conditions.
First a little info on your eyes. The centre of your retina is called the macula. Macular degeneration, often referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a gradual process that can eventually lead to the loss of central vision. AMD is actually the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.
Cataracts, where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, can affect people at a younger age. And it's the major cause of blindness worldwide. Unfortunately having one of these conditions doesn't rule out the chances of developing the other.
Smoking is a well recognized major risk factor for vision loss. But many people are less familiar with the food-vision connections.
Here are a few visionary concepts that may help you see right through into your distant future.

Choose your carbs wisely

Those concerned with waist management and blood sugar regulation have long been selecting smart carbs by opting for less sugar and fewer refined grain products. Sugary foods and refined grains have a higher glycemic index (GI). This index measures how fast the carbohydrates in the food enter the blood stream compared to white bread or sugar - both of which are speedily digested and have a high GI. Whole grains, legumes and fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, generally have a low GI.
A number of studies, including the large 8-year investigation in the U.S. known as the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), have found that a diet of low GI foods may offer protection against macular degeneration compared to one filled with sugary and refined grain options. It may also slow the progression of AMD in those who have already been diagnosed with the condition. Other research also shows that a high GI diet may also boost the risk for cataracts.

Go fishing

Science continues to show that consuming plenty of omega-3 fats offers a variety of health benefits. The kinds found in cold water fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel, besides supplying assorted heart health benefits, are also being identified as defenders of eyesight. These fish contain the omega-3 fats docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which may offer the protective action. For vegetarians and those who don't eat fish, going to the same source as fish do for their omega-3s may be a solution - algae. You can purchase omega-3 supplements that are made from algal oil rather than fish.

Load up on yellow and dark green produce

If you have a family history of macular degeneration, you are at a higher risk of the condition so it may be smart to make like Popeye and eat your spinach.

Yellow and dark green produce is packed with the yellowish carotenoids or pigments known as lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds are found in the macula and act almost as your sunglasses would. They filter UV light and protect the macula. Low levels are therefore linked to greater odds of being diagnosed with AMD.

Numerous studies have shown that increasing consumption of lutein and zeaxanthin improve the pigment density in the macula. In a recently-published study conducted in Paris, researchers found that subjects who consumed fewer than five portions of fruits and vegetables per day and less than two portions of cabbage, broccoli, pepper, corn, or spinach a week had the lowest pigment density - not a good sign,

But when it comes to eating these vegetables, Julie Mares, M.S.P.H., Ph.D., a professor at the University of Wisconsin and a renowned researcher in the area of diet and vision, offers important advice. "For maximum absorption of these compounds, as they're fat soluble, lutein-rich foods should be consumed along with some fat." says Dr. Mares. Sautéing spinach in a little extra virgin olive oil is more than just palate pleasing.

Going for lutein and zeaxanthin-rich options like swiss chard, beet or collard greens, zucchini, corn and kiwi may also provide a double whammy by defending against cataracts as well. Egg yolks also offer these yellow pigments.

Choose any supplements for your eyes with caution

Scientists are continuing to investigate the best ways to combat these conditions. But the compounds that slow AMD, for example, may be different than the recommendations for preventing it in the first place. For example, in the AREDS study, a high-dose supplement was found to significantly slow AMD from progressing to advanced stages.

But the supplement is not for everyone.

It contains high doses of vitamin E, beta carotene and zinc - all of which can have downsides. The dosage of beta carotene, for instance, is linked to an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers and former smokers, those who are actually at the greatest risk of macular degeneration. While a beta carotene -free AREDS formula is available, it's best to discuss the pros and cons of these supplements with a dietitian or a physician who's familiar with the issues.

And as for lutein supplements, while supplement makers may include lutein in various formulations, according to Dr. Mares, the verdict is not yet in. Some people may benefit while others may not.

"In addition, long term safety studies on lutein have not yet been done," she adds.

In the meantime, she suggests that high dosages of lutein - which, like beta carotene, is also a carotenoid - be avoided until their safety has been determined. Eating plenty of lutein-rich foods, on the other hand, offers an arsenal of weaponry against a variety of diseases.


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