In his twenties, he rowed competitively and participated in alpine climbing and rock climbing at an advanced level. In his thirties, he took up running as a weekend warrior.
His fourties consisted of circuit training with weights, x-country skiing and rowing. He continued running and took up speed skating in fifties.
In his sixties, he started rock climbing, x-country skiing and race rowing again. At the spry age of 68, he began practicing hand balancing and working out on gymnastics rings, putting men 1/4 his age to shame. His arsenal of bodyweight skills include slow muscle ups, elbow levers, planches, front levers and freestanding handstands for 40+ seconds.
He said ‘I do not follow any special diet, but I am very conscious of what I eat. No junk food. I do not eat much meat; maybe once a week. More fish. A lot of nuts. I don't use vitamin supplements, except some fish oil’.
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